As a Fellowcraft you are required to review and understand the following:
Fellowcraft Education
- Masonic Etiquette. Goal: To describe and demonstrate how to interact with Grand Lodge officers and visiting dignitaries.
- History. Goal: Be able to describe the history and traditions of your constituent Lodge.
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- Readings
- Relevant Lodge History and Traditions
- HGLDC (Harris 1811-1961): Pg 67-143
- Discussion
- How does Lodge History guide your lodge?
- If your lodge doesn’t have a history, what steps can you take to develop one?
- Readings
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- Esoterics and Symbolism. Goal: To understand the FC degree, the major symbols, and relate them to individual behavior.
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- Readings
- Discussion
- Presented FC Materials
- Working Tools
- Winding Staircase
- Architecture
- Five senses
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
- The Letter G
- Additional Information
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- Prestonian Fellowcraft Lecture (DC Grand Lodge ritual lecture)
- Ritual Proficiency. Goal: To recite the FC obligation, step, D-G, and grip from memory.
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- Readings
- Catechism
- Discussion
- FC Degree Walk-Through
- Obligation/Grip
- Readings
- Suggested Minimum Standards
Learning Material