Fellowcraft Education

As a Fellowcraft you are required to review and understand the following:

Fellowcraft Education

  1. Masonic Etiquette. Goal: To describe and demonstrate how to interact with Grand Lodge officers and visiting dignitaries.
  2. History. Goal: Be able to describe the history and traditions of your constituent Lodge.
    1. Suggested Minimum Standards
      1. Readings
        1. Relevant Lodge History and Traditions
        2. HGLDC (Harris 1811-1961): Pg 67-143
      2. Discussion
        1. How does Lodge History guide your lodge?
        2. If your lodge doesn’t have a history, what steps can you take to develop one?
  3. Esoterics and Symbolism. Goal: To understand the FC degree, the major symbols, and relate them to individual behavior.
    1. Suggested Minimum Standards
      1. Readings
        1. Grand Lodge FC Booklet
        2. The Plumb, The Level, and The Square
        3. Carl H. Claudy – Introduction to Freemasonry – The Fellowcraft Degree
      2. Discussion
        1. Presented FC Materials
        2. Working Tools
        3. Winding Staircase
        4. Architecture
        5. Five senses
        6. Liberal Arts and Sciences
        7. The Letter G
    2. Additional Information
      2. Symbolical Masonry (Chapter XXXIV: The Two Great Pillars)
      3. The Hidden Power (Chapter XX)
  4. Prestonian Fellowcraft Lecture (DC Grand Lodge ritual lecture)
  5. Ritual Proficiency. Goal: To recite the FC obligation, step, D-G, and grip from memory.
    1. Suggested Minimum Standards
      1. Readings
        1. Catechism
      2. Discussion
        1. FC Degree Walk-Through
        2. Obligation/Grip

Learning Material