As an Entered Apprentice you are required to review and understand the following:
Entered Apprentice Education
- Masonic Etiquette. Goal: Be able to “move about the Lodge,” and identify a lodge’s officers, their stations, and their responsibilities.
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- Readings
- Positions within the Lodge
- Discussions
- Addressing Fellow Brethren and Moving about the Lodge
- Elements of a Lodge
- Readings
- Additional Readings
- Anderson’s Constitutions, The Charges of a Free-Mason
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- History. Goal: To understand Freemasonry’s origins, traditions, and its impact to our lives today.
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- Readings
- HGLDC Chapter 1: Whence Came We?
- HGLDC Chapter 2: In the Beginning
- Anderson’s Constitutions page 2-48
- The laying of cornerstones (Harris)
- Discussions
- Why is history/tradition important to Masons?
- How does Masonry’s Founding myth enhance our understanding of the factual history?
- Why do masons lay cornerstones? Why is that public event notable for freemasons?
- Why is history/tradition important to Masons?
- Readings
- Additional Information
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- Esoterics and Symbolism. Goal: To describe the EA degree, the major symbols, and relate them to individual behavior.
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- Readings
- Grand Lodge EA Booklet
- The Symbolism of Freemasonry: XIX. Rite of Investiture (Albert Mackey)
- Freemasonry: Its Hidden Meaning
- Masonic Symbolism & the EA Degree: White Leather Apron
- Working Tools (Common Gavel)
- The 24-inch gauge: a measure of distance, and time.
- Carl H. Claudy – Introduction to Freemasonry – The Entered Apprentice Degree
- Discussions
- What is Esotericism, what is its value in a lodge, and why do Masons put such an emphasis on it?
- Presented EA Materials
- Elements of the Chamber of Reflection
- The Apron
- The working tools
- The Cable Tow
- The Principle Tenets of Freemasonry
- Readings
- Additional Information
- Northeast Corner of the Lodge (ES)
- The Great Lights (ES)
- The Lesser Lights (ES)
- Prestonian Entered Apprentice Lecture (DC Grand Lodge ritual lecture)
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- Ritual Proficiency. Goal: To recite the EA obligation, step, D-G, and grip from memory.
- Suggested Minimum Standards
- Readings
- Catechism
- Discussion
- Obligation and Grip
- EA Degree Walk-Through
- Readings
- Suggested Minimum Standards
Learning Material